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Pune, India
True me, is an undying spirit which is trying to surface in my body through true prayers offered to Krishna i.e. Sri Ram

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Educated Bhartiya's lack political awareness...degrade in schooling?

Education system is Bharat has fared well so far to maintain the mix of modern teaching techniques with the old effective learning methods which were followed back in ancient times. However, it could have done even better by covering even more wide range of subjects in schools. While new subjects like Computer science have been included proactively for primary schools, subjects like political science & Moral science are not given much importance. This is the root cause of the fact that even educated Indians lack sense of responsibility towards Indian politics and society. As majority of the Indian ministers are uneducated, their decisions fail miserably on political & moral grounds, both which should be an pre-requisite for holding any position in Government job or ministry. While individual benefits are driving careers in corporate world, the scenario is not much different in Government jobs. In fact earnings (though illegal) of many minsters have outpaced some renowned corporate houses in the industry. Moreover, as more and more political parties continue to promote castism/regionalism, the national political instability has rose to a new high. Our nation can progress only if it is politically stable and this can only be done by spreading the awareness of political science from childhood.

I consider the above factors as degrade in schooling as compared to the learning syllabus & methodologies followed in ancient Bharat. In ancient India, Rishi (sages) ashrams were the schools where students were taught wide range of subjects which also included Spiritual advancement, Political science, Moral science etc. Effects of these subjects being excluded from school syllabus are quite evident. Youngsters are having tough time in dealing with stress levels in routine life, morality is striving to find its existence in the society etc. Although it is altogether a different fact that education is still a distant goal for many people in Bharat and around 30% voters are not even aware of what voting is all about.
And here's the outcome...Indian Parliament members


Mathew Idikula said...

Indeed a Revamp with a globally competing outlook and nationaly integrating and sustainable educational plan is needed and Only the educated should govern!!! It has to start from school days and in another 20 years we can have a revamped generation.Sooner the better India. Wake up politicians and start getting progressive and projeect oriented! Lakhote! I think Education is the trickle input for the change and we need to get as muchas possible edutated on ethical basis! Ganbarimas and this is where we youth should progressively join hand and contribute to the young generations growing soon to replace us :)

Biplab Narendra said...

edgfWell i guess now its time...if we dont do anything i doubt if the future generation will be worth surving in this challenging yet materialistic world.. lets thrive to survive !

Arti Dogra said...

Revamping the education system is a classic chicken and egg case. Education policy is controlled by the legislators.A democracy with the abysmal levels of literacy ( notice I use the word literacy not education)may not be able to vote in the sort of legislator that focuses on an educational policy that you seem to want. Not to forget the fact that across the country we haven't even been able to put in place a uniform education board. There are the State Boards, the Central Board, the Anglo Indian Board ...each imparts a different quality, stresses on different subjects....The country lacks a basic uniform policy as well especially since we education is a state subject. Parliament can enact ground breaking legislations making education a fundamental right, but is that even enough?